Ewww, FREAK!

I haven't posted much lately because I have been working on a few things.
Number 1: In-home Daycare. It deserves its own post, so I'll get to that next.
Number 2: Adult Day Care
When my neighbor suggested opening an Adult Day Care, I still had THIS STORY  burnt into my brain and thought, "Ewww, FREAK!"

...And before I move on, let me just say--the person in that story with the REAL mental disability is the one taking care of the weirdo.
Anyway, she was actually talking about a place where the elderly go for care and socialization during the days when family members are working or just aren't available to care for them. Whew!
After a lot of talking and researching, we decided to do it together. I never knew how much work goes into things like business plans. Holy shiz! When I'm not watching children and even during nap time, this is what I'm working on..phone calls, research, business plan, research, emails, and more research. I really hope my neighbor is better about staying on track with her ideas than I am. If its left to me, there will be a half written business plan or a half built building..I'll half ass SOMETHING major.
Anyway, after a few weeks of all this, I'm not sure where it is going or if it is even going anywhere. Being a housewife just started sounding better and better. Still, that is one major thing that has been going on with me. It isn't nearly as interesting as the adult baby story, so I'm going to touch on that with this picture that says EXACTLY how I feel about the freak. (F being PC, you know you are thinking the same damn thing.. F-R-E-A-K!)
Did I already say that I think he is a huge FREAK? Yeah, total f'ing freak.

Now, off to write my second post about how much I dislike children who didn't come out of my vajizzle.. or, in my son's case, out of a custom created hole in the area just below my belly button.


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