I cleaned the living room spotless. I cleaned the kitchen..spotless. Now, I just stand around with that "the f*#k?!?!" look on my face. I actually cleaned the kitchen yesterday. Like, yesterday evening. Sometimes, I think I must be stupid. I can't think of anything else I would fix over and over and over again, knowing it will be destroyed moments later.
My children have this strange quirk..they have to destroy everything in sight. A clean house just means they get to start all over again. My hubby has a bad habit of setting shit down wherever he is standing. I need freaking order!! Organization! I need things to have a place. Why do I even bother? I'd, obviously, be a much better housewife if I didn't have to clean up after everyone.
(found on Views from the Couch) |
You know, I love Angry Birds. I mean, who doesn't? Someone should really make a game for me: Angry Housewives. You would throw things like vacuums and brooms at little cartoon men and children. Each time you peg one, your house gets cleaner. I'd play the shit out of that. I'd play the game rather than actually cleaning the house. Win-win for me! I hope it goes without saying that I'd never throw brooms or vacuums..well, I'd never actually throw vacuums at my children or husband. I'd never throw birds at pigs either.
Okay, enough random thoughts. I think my anger has subsided enough that the stupid has set back in & I'm considering cleaning again.
9 Response to Why bother?!
If you find that game, will you let me know where? I would pay to play a game where I could throw brooms and vacuums at men and in my case dogs!
@Fort Living Room
I will! I might suggest it to an app/game maker...if I ever meet one!
I like the game idea. It could be therapeutic.
ah girl, you kill me!!! lol! Angry Housewifes sounds OUTSTANDING!!!!!!
I love the idea of your game. We could win virtual chocolates!
maybe you should take the game to the bank a lot of us would like to play it.
Do IT! I'd totally play Angry Housewives. HA!
Angry Housewives. Genius. I'm with ya, sister!
Great idea.... I like the image of the vaccuum hitting and creating a cloud like the one Pig Pen on the Peanuts always had around him!
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